Residuos Nukleares (La Pesadilla Del Poder #1)

The editorial address of La Pesadilla Del Poder (“the nightmare of power”) was that of ‘Josin P.P.’ (Joxi Ubeda) but the fanzine was put together by a whole bunch of people in and around the band ‘Tortura Sistematika (from Tolosa, Guipúzcoa, Euskadi).

Yurre Ugarte (author, scriptwriter, director) was one of the people from that gang in Tolosa. She took part in the first squatting-attempts in the area, and collaborated or wrote for fanzines…

There were two issues made in 1985 (available on the www). #1 opens with a provocative piece ‘nazi punk = @ punk’ (a criticism of the consumerist punk movement), there’s an interview with ‘Joni Destruye’ (at that time singer of ‘Residuos Nukleares‘), a lengthy talk with Juan Camacho of ‘The Detonators‘, Fernando of ‘Anti-Dogmatikss‘, Iván Jullit Navas of ‘MG-15’, ‘Rattus’ & ‘B.A.P.’; info on ‘Desperdicio Social’ (Donostia), ‘Whipping Boy’ (Palo Alto, California), etc. #2 starts with a reprint of a Mexican article about self-management, anti-imperialim, antifascism and punk. There’s also info on antimilitarism & disarmament, the Fobia collective (Madrid); interviews with ‘Terveet Kädet’, ‘Frites Modern’, ‘Wretched’; lyrics of ‘Tortura Sistematika’, ‘B.A.P.’ & ‘Último Gobierno’; and more.


The idea of making a fanzine came shortly after creating ‘Tortura Sistematika’, it happened almost simultaneous. At that time we were reading all the fanzines we could get our hands on, Destruye! [Javi Sayés], Brigada Criminal [‘Richard Hardcross’], Penetración [Alberto Eiriz], N.D.F. [‘Joni Destruye’]. We thought it would be a good idea to make one of our own. The fanzine was made by the members of ‘Tortura Sistematika’ with the collaboration of some friends. The process was fun. We made very few copies. The second (last) issue was almost entirely made by Joxi (‘T.S.’ bassplayer). Lamberto and I were caught by laziness; we saw that our path in the “music-press” was over and we focused more on noise.

Yurre has been a good friend of ours for many years. At the time the fanzine was made, she was living in London, although she is from the same town as us. Nowadays she basically writes and has published a few novels as well as some scripts, most recently for comics. She usually writes in Basque, although some of her work has been translated into Spanish…

Shanti Irribar (‘T.S.’ vocalist)

Interview with Joni D. (Jesus Maria Sahun Castet a.k.a. Joni Destruye), at that time (1985) a teenager and the singer of ‘Residuos Nukleares’ (“nuclear waste”; from Barcelona). Earlier (’83) he was in ‘Epidemia’ (with his brother Fernando – later in ‘Anti-Dogmatikss’ – on guitar). He also edited the fanzines Melodías Destructoras and N.D.F. Later he authored a few books (e.g. Que Pagui Pujol! – a punk chronicle of Barcelona in the 80s). He also founded a couple of recordlabels (Hace Color and Kasba Music).

Joni Destruye: ‘Epidemia’ (83-02-03) & ‘Residuos Nukleares’ (84-01-29)

[Translation below]

Interview via mail with Joni D., singer of ‘Residuos Nukleares’

When was the band formed?

The band was formed in early January of ‘84; at the time we were Charly (drums), Manel (guitar) and Joni D. (vocals). With this line-up we performed at the fanzine-party [84-01-29] of N.D.F. and Contaminación. Later Charly left and two new members joined, then the line-up was Joni D. (vocals), Manel (guitar), Poly (drums [Josep Urpí Gausachs; bassist of ‘L’Odi Social’, ‘Anti-Dogmatikss’, etc.]) and Marc (bass [Marc García Sastre]). We made two pamphlets and we performed together with ‘L’Odi Social’ in a concert organised by N.D.F.

What were your objectives when creating the band?

It’s not that there were any objectives, I wanted to create a band to express myself and at the same time have fun, so I looked for other people.

What bands have influenced you?

The musical influences are very varied. The person who makes the music is Manel and his tastes range from ‘Madness’ to ‘G.B.H.’, passing through ‘The Lords Of The New Church’. As for me (I’m the one who writes the lyrics): I like ‘Razzia’ (Germany), ‘Civil Dissident’ (Australia), ‘EU’s Arse’ (Italy), ‘Terveet Kädet’ (Finland), ‘M.D.C.’ (USA), ‘Existenz’ (Sweden) and ‘Crass’ (England), to name a few. In Spain I like ‘L’ Odi Social’, ‘Anti-Dogmatikss’, ‘O.X. Pow’ and ‘T.N.D.’ for example.

What does punk mean to you?

A way of life, which is different in each country and for each person.

Do you consider yourselves punx?


Do you consider yourself pacifists?

Yes, for us pacifism is the fight for peace.

What do you think about oi?

We can’t talk about oi because there’s different interpretations that can be given; as in all places there are people who mean well, and people that don’t.

How’s the punk scene in Barcelona?

It’s quite good because there are people who get things moving around now, there are quite a few concerts by punk bands, both Spanish and foreign, and new ones are always given a chance.

What do you think about vivisection and abuse of animals?

We’re totally against abuse, we understand that man eats meat but not that he tortures animals.

D’you think your lyrics are engaged?

Yes, I think that our lyrics mean something, and that our way of living and our clothing tell something.

Do you think the system can be changed?

We believe so, although it will take a long time to make people aware.

What is anarchy for you?

It’s about freedom and mutual respect, very difficult features for the human race, but possible.

Do you consider yourself anarchists?

There are different points of view but I do.

What do you think of bands such as ‘Exploited’, ‘Anti-Nowhere League’, etc.?

Better not talk about them.

Do you think you can do something similar to squatting over here?

Yes, but mutual support is needed, I don’t mean to raid twohundred people in a house but rather twohundred people in groups of twenty, ten different houses.

Anything to add?

If anyone wants our pamphlets, send 30 pesetas in stamps to P.O. Box. 23270 in Barcelona.



* It’s not just Reagan / It’s not just Thatcher / It’s not just Felipe [Spanish king] / It’s not just anyone / war isn’t waged by one man / we all make war…or no-one

* Surrounded by borders: four walls around us; they block our step, our way; we got nowhere to live; but they sit very comfortable in their chairs; we have nowhere to sleep; but they don’t hear our screams…Squat!!!

* They give us freedom, look ahead and you will see them. A statue in New York that points you between the eyebrows, with a rifle, it’s your freedom, they offer it to you, accept it…